Initial Sessions

Embark on a transformative 2-hour journey designed to foster self-discovery and spiritual growth, tailored for individuals or pairs seeking profound understanding and serenity. Discover how to transcend everyday emotional struggles and embrace a life of peace and clarity


Spiritual Teaching (1 hour and 15 minutes)
At the heart of our time together is the spiritual teaching, where we explore the fundamental causes of emotional suffering and pathways to inner peace. This segment is designed to empower you with meaningful knowledge and perspective.

My teaching addresses:

  • The distinction and independence of consciousness from the automatic and often negative patterns of thinking
  • How continuous inner resistance and negativity not only create a chronic unease but also manifest as a non-constructive, self-sabotaging force within the human mind
  • How Human perception of time is divided between a practical, present-focused orientation and an unproductive preoccupation with the past and future
  • How resistance to the natural cycles of growth, decline, and change leads to suffering, while acceptance brings peace
  • How practicing non-attachment to both objects and people can mitigate emotional pain when they are gone
  • How emotions are both reflections of the mind’s activity and indicators of unconscious thoughts, offering a second chance to bring awareness to and address negativity
  • How cultivating presence overcomes the automated unconscious patterns of the mind, alleviates the persistent unease caused by resistance, and nurtures a state of peace and clarity free from anxiety and stress

(10 minute break to refresh)

Meditation Practice (30 minutes)
After delving deeply into spiritual teachings, we will engage in a transformative meditation practice. This session is not just about practicing mindfulness and body awareness; it’s an invitation to explore these techniques under the guidance of an experienced practitioner who meditates alongside you.

  • Personalized Guidance: Unlike self-guided practices, I offer real-time, personalized guidance to refine your technique, ensuring you’re practicing effectively. This hands-on approach helps identify and overcome common pitfalls, deepening your meditation experience.
  • Dual Meditation Techniques: We dedicate 15 minutes each to mindfulness and body awareness meditation. This dual approach is designed to synergize mental clarity with physical harmony, offering a comprehensive experience that enhances your ability to stay present and connected.
  • Experiential Learning: By meditating together, we create a shared space of tranquility and focused energy. This communal practice amplifies the meditative experience, making it more profound and impactful.
  • Direct Application of Spiritual Teachings: The meditation practice is designed to be a direct application of the spiritual teachings discussed earlier. This seamless integration allows you to not only understand but also embody the principles of presence and consciousness in a tangible, experiential way.

Enlightened Dialogue (15 minutes)
We conclude the session with an open Q & A (question & answer) period. This time is dedicated to you for asking any additional questions and seeking clarification on aspects of the teachings or meditation practices. My goal is to ensure that you leave with a clearer understanding and a deeper connection to the session’s content.

Begin Your Spiritual Journey Today

Ready to explore your path to inner peace and personal growth? Contact me to schedule your initial session or to learn more about the transformative experience.

Discover the Foundation of Spiritual Growth

Begin your journey with our initial sessions that lay the groundwork for self-awareness and mindfulness. Each session is crafted to guide you towards a deeper understanding of your inner self and to establish a practice that fosters spiritual well-being. Experience the serenity of becoming present and the empowerment of embracing your path to enlightenment.

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