The Teacher of Presence

Nurturing Wisdom, Cultivating Tranquility

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you charge money for your spiritual teachings?

My teachings and guidance are the culmination of over 20 years of dedicated learning, practice and experience, aimed at providing you with personalised, meaningful support on your spiritual journey.

The financial aspect is an exchange that honours the value of the teachings provided, the personal support received, and the time invested in delivering them.

Charging for these services enables me to manage the practicalities of living, and to dedicate my time fully to this work, ensuring that I can continue to offer in-depth, focused, and high-quality guidance.

Why should I pay for your spiritual teachings when there are free resources available online and in books?

In essence, while free resources are valuable for broad exploration, my services offer a depth of engagement, personalisation, and support that is designed to facilitate profound personal growth and understanding.

Can I take a photo or record an audio or video of you during the sessions?

I value maintaining control over how and where my image or voice is used. You are welcome to take a photo with me after the session concludes; I am happy to join you for a picture to commemorate our meeting. ❤️

I do not consent to any recordings of me or the session itself, and kindly request that you refrain from recording any video or audio during our sessions. The sessions are meant to be private and personal experiences.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for a session?

Your spiritual journey is unique, and preparing for our sessions together can enhance your experience. Here's what you can do to prepare, depending on the type of session you've chosen:

Public Spaces (Parks, Beaches, etc.)

Home Comforts

Professional Spaces

Virtual Session (online)

Across All Settings

Do I need to wear specific clothing for meditation, and will I have to sit on the floor cross-legged?

No specific clothing is required for our meditation sessions; casual attire that you find comfortable is perfectly fine. Both the teaching and meditation portions of our sessions are conducted while seated in chairs. This ensures everyone can participate comfortably and focus on their meditation practice without physical strain.

Why do I need to attend an initial session before I can attend a follow-up-session?

The initial session is designed to introduce essential wisdom teachings and meditation techniques that can profoundly impact your life. By learning these practices, you'll be equipped to achieve deep peace and significantly alleviate emotional distress, assuming you maintain a consistent spiritual practice. For many people, this foundational session is all that's needed.

Follow-up sessions are available for those seeking spiritual counseling, wishing to deepen their spiritual journey, or wanting to increase the effectiveness of their meditation practice. These sessions are designed to build upon the principles and techniques introduced in the initial session, and I will sometimes refer to teachings from the initial session in the follow-up-session.

The initial session is an important first step.

Do you offer any free support after the initial session, and what about follow-up sessions?

After the initial 2-hour session, which includes a dedicated 15-minute Q&A, clients may have further questions or seek additional guidance. Recognising the importance of ongoing support, I offer a one-time follow-up phone call for brief queries as a complimentary service. This call is intended to clarify any immediate questions post-session.

For more extensive support, personalised guidance, or deeper exploration of spiritual practices, paid follow-up sessions are available. These sessions are 1 hour long, priced at $75, and provide an opportunity for in-depth discussion, meditation practice, and tailored spiritual counselling. They are designed to offer valuable, ongoing support on your spiritual journey.

It's important to note that ongoing free support beyond the initial complimentary follow-up call is not feasible, as it involves significant time and resources. This approach ensures that I can maintain the quality and focus necessary to support each client effectively.

Why don't you have a dedicated space for your sessions?

The personalised nature of my sessions, which usually involve just one or two clients at a time, does not justify the expense of leasing or renting a dedicated space on a long-term basis. Moreover, I've found that my clients often prefer the convenience and comfort of having sessions in their own homes or in a chosen public space.

How many people can attend a session?

Currently, the maximum number of participants for both initial and follow-up sessions is limited to two, to accomodate for couples and friends. This ensures that each individual receives ample personal attention, making the sessions more impactful and fostering effective learning.

Why aren't you on social media?

I recognise the vast potential of social media in connecting people and sharing ideas. However, my approach to teaching and communication is more aligned with traditional, direct methods rather than the fast-paced, content-driven nature of social media platforms. I believe in the value of presence, depth, and personal connection, which I find is best nurtured outside the realms of social media.

Furthermore, creating and maintaining a meaningful presence on social media requires a high level of engagement and content generation that does not resonate with my personal and professional priorities. My teaching and practice are not about building a following or a brand, but about offering a space of learning and growth for those who seek it.

Update: I recently created Facebook and Instagram accounts. I will not be active on them, and will only use them to occassionally post spiriual art.

Can I pay by cash?

For ease of financial management and tax purposes, I only accept electronic payments. Cash payments are not accepted to ensure accurate transaction tracking.

Do you offer Tarot readings, Reiki, palm readings, or psychic/clairvoyant services, including spirit communication?

My expertise is in spiritual teaching. I do not offer Tarot or palm readings, Reiki, nor do I provide psychic, clairvoyant or spirit communication services. My focus is on guiding individuals through their spiritual journey, primarily through the means of spiritual teaching and meditation practice.

Ready to Explore Further?

For personalised guidance or to book your session, reach out to Duc-Minh Pham. Embark on your spiritual journey with confidence.

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Navigating Your Spiritual Path

Discover the answers to common questions about spiritual sessions with Duc-Minh Pham. From preparation to follow-up support, our FAQ provides you with the insights needed to embark on your spiritual journey with confidence and clarity. Explore the essence of our practices, policies, and the personalised approach that defines each session.